How Can I Tell If I Have Oral Cancer?

Oral cancer is a serious condition. If not caught early, oral cancer can be fatal. Getting early treatment can help you survive this condition. Early treatment starts with early identification. If you think you may have oral cancer, it’s important to speak with your dentist in St. Paul MN. At St. Anthony Park Dental Care, we provide oral cancer screenings that can save lives.

Signs of Oral Cancer

If you have oral cancer, you may notice the following symptoms:

  • Rough spots or crusty areas inside your mouth or on your gums
  • Some areas in your mouth bleed for no reason
  • You have chronic bad breath
  • You have difficulty chewing, talking, swallowing, or moving the parts of your mouth like jaw and tongue
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Unexplained pain and tenderness on your face or neck

Many people who get oral cancer have a history of using tobacco products, but many others do not.

What To Do If You Think You Have Oral Cancer

If you think you may have oral cancer, it’s important to get help from your dentist as soon as possible. Get an oral screening with St. Anthony Park Dental Care. We provide thorough examinations to help patients identify the cause of their symptoms, and if you do have oral cancer, we can discuss next steps.

Need an Oral Cancer Screening? Call Us

If you need oral cancer screening in St. Paul MN don’t wait. Delaying treatment can make surviving cancer more difficult. To schedule your oral screening with St. Anthony Park Dental Care, call today to make an appointment.

4 Reasons to Get Clear Aligners

If you have teeth that are crooked or if your jaw is misaligned, your dentist may recommend braces or clear aligners. Clear aligners aren’t an option for everyone, but if you have the choice between aligners and braces, it’s important to understand the difference and what the advantages are of clear aligners. As your dentist in St. Paul, MN, we can answer your questions about clear aligners. Here’s what you need to know.

1. Clear Aligners Make Cleaning Your Teeth Easy

Braces stay on for tooth brushing and flossing, so cleaning your teeth with braces can be challenging. Clear aligners can be removed for teeth cleaning, so the tooth brushing process remains the same.

You can clean your aligners while you clean your teeth: just take them out and brush them lightly with a toothbrush or soak them in antibacterial soap.

2. Clear Aligners Are Removed At Meals

Braces stay in for meals, limiting the number of foods you can consume with braces on. Clear aligners are removed for meals, so you can eat whatever foods you want.

3. Clear Aligners Are Subtle 

Braces are very visible. They’re easy to see in your mouth and when you smile. Clear aligners are the opposite. Up close, aligners are so subtle they’re almost unnoticeable. From far away, clear aligners are invisible. This means you can smile without anyone noticing your aligners.

4. Clear Aligners Involve No Wires or Brackets

While braces have wires and brackets that can be pokey if broken, clear aligners do not. This makes clear aligners in St. Paul, MN, a clear choice for some patients. At St. Anthony Park Dental Care, we can help you decide whether clear aligners are right for you. Call today.

5 Risk Factors of Cavities

Cavities are something most of us experience at some point. However, as some of us get cavities more than others, it could be due to certain risk factors.

Keep reading to learn about five common risk factors of cavities.

Certain foods and beverages

Sugar is a popular culprit of tooth decay. However, sticky, sugary foods are even worse. These can cling to your teeth for long periods and are sometimes difficult to remove, increasing the chances of tooth decay. Some of the worst offenders are ice cream, soda, cake, hard candy, dry cereal, and chips.

Think these foods and drinks are damaging your teeth? If so, contact St. Anthony Park Dental Care today for reliable dental exams in St Paul, MN!

Location of tooth

While a cavity can happen anywhere, they’re most common in your back teeth. That’s because these areas feature several nooks and crannies that can easily trap food particles. This, combined with the location, makes these teeth harder to clean and keep healthy.

Inadequate brushing or flossing

Properly brushing and flossing are essential to preventing cavities. As bacteria starts to build up after eating, it’s important to clean your teeth and gums.

Dry mouth

Saliva production helps to keep our mouths healthy. That said, if you suffer from dry mouth, you may experience a number of dental concerns. Certain medications and medical conditions often cause dry mouth.

Young or old age

Your age may also play a role in getting cavities. Young children, teenagers, and older adults are most at risk. This is because young teeth haven’t yet fully developed, and it’s more common for older adults to have worn-down teeth and receding gums.

If you’re ready to do what’s right for your dental health, make an appointment at St. Anthony Park Dental Care today! We have the best dentist in St Paul, MN!


What Questions Should I Ask When I Go to the Dentist?

When you go to the dentist for a dental exam and cleaning in St. Paul MN, you’ve got a good opportunity to ask your dentist important questions about how to take are of your teeth.

Taking the opportunity to ask these questions can help you take good care of your teeth and gums. Knowing which questions to ask can help you have productive conversations with your dentist, so you can make the most of your visit. Here’s what we suggest.

1. Are my teeth and gums healthy?

Hopefully your dentist is already planning to tell you whether you have healthy teeth and gums, but it never helps to start the conversation on your own. Asking the question opens the opportunity for dialogue and ensures that you get important information about your oral health. If your dentist has concerns about the health of your teeth and gums, ask follow-up questions about what you can do to turn any problems around.

2. Can you show me how to brush my teeth and floss?

You probably floss and brush your teeth every day, but when was the last time that a dentist gave you a tutorial on how to do it? Getting a quick tutorial from your dentist helps ensure that you’re taking good care of your teeth and helps you get rid of any bad brushing or flossing habits you may have developed over the years.

3. Am I at risk for any oral health conditions?

Some people are at higher risk for oral health conditions than others. For example, smoking puts you at high risk for periodontal disease. Knowing your risk factors can help you take action to care for your teeth.

Make An Appointment to See the Dentist Today

Now that you know what questions to ask, it’s a great time to see the dentist in St. Paul MN. Call St. Anthony Park Dental Care to make an appointment for your next dental cleaning.

How Often Should I Be Seeing the Dentist?

How often do you see the dentist? If you’re not going to the dentist frequently enough, you could be putting yourself at risk for a variety of dental problems, including gingivitis, gum disease, infection and even lost permanent teeth. Going to the dentist can help catch problems in their early stages.

You should also be seeing the dentist when you’re having a dental emergency, or when you’re noticing symptoms of a dental problem. Below, we’ve summarized when you should be seeing the dentist, so you’ll know when it’s time to make an appointment.

See the Dentist Every Six Months

See the dentist every six months for preventative dental care in St. Paul, MN. Seeing the dentist every six months for a cleaning and examination can help keep your teeth healthy. During your six-month appointments, your dentist will:

  • Clean your teeth to remove plaque and tartar
  • Eliminate some easy to remove stains on the tooth enamel
  • Check your teeth for signs of a problem, like gum disease
  • Administer fluoride treatments or x-rays as needed

When It’s An Emergency

If you’re having a dental emergency, see the dentist right away. Go to your dentist for the following dental emergencies:

  • Loss of a permanent tooth
  • Chipped, cracked or broken tooth
  • Dental injury
  • Swollen and painful tooth

If you think you might be having a dental emergency, call your dentist in St. Paul, MN to get help as soon as possible. If you lose a permanent tooth, see your dentist as quickly as possible. Your dentist may be able to save your tooth, if you can reach them fast.

See the Dentist When You’re Noticing Symptoms

Are you noticing signs of a dental problem? Here’s what to watch for:

  • Bad breath that doesn’t go away when you brush your teeth
  • Sensitivity in the teeth
  • Pain in the mouth

Need to be seen by a dentist? Call St. Anthony Park Dental Care to make an appointment today.

Dental Implant Recovery – What to Expect

Whether you are missing all of your teeth or just a few, dental implants in St. Paul, MN can be one of the most desirable smile restoration options. While the procedure of getting dental implants does not take that long, the recovery process can take a little time. Here is a look at what you can expect at different points after implants are placed.

Immediately After the Procedure

Right after the procedure, you can expect to have some swelling and soreness. This is a typical experience due to the placement of the implant into the soft tissue and bone. Your dentist will likely send you home after the procedure with medication to keep you comfortable, but many patients find the discomfort subsides relatively quickly.

A Few Weeks After the Procedure

A few weeks after the dental implant procedure, a lot of the inflammation and redness will start to subside. At this point, the soft tissue is well on the way to enclosing around the new implant. You may still be more comfortable with softer foods, especially if multiple implants have been placed. However, you will also be fitted with a temporary crown to protect the area until the area is fully healed.

Three Months After the Procedure

At around three months after the dental implant procedure, most patients are fully healed. At this time, the dentist will bring you into the office to create your permanent crown and secure it to the new implant. You should have no issues eating whatever you want, but each individual’s experience can vary.

Talk to a St. Paul, MN Dentist About Dental Implants

Even though recovery after dental implants can take some time, the end result is well worth it. Ready to discuss dental implants with a St. Paul dentist? Reach out to us at St. Anthony Park Dental Care.