What Should You Do If You Have a Misaligned Jaw?

You might already know that having crooked teeth can affect your bite and result in other dental issues. But what you might not know is that a misaligned jaw will result in the same thing. So what should you do? Well, a dentist in St. Paul, MN, will be able to diagnose and recommend the proper treatment for you.

Issues Resulting from a Misaligned Jaw

A misaligned jaw is also called a malocclusion. This refers to your upper and lower jaws not lining up like they should. Unfortunately, when this happens, it could lead to a variety of other painful and costly dental issues.

The following are just a few of the things you could experience if your jaws don’t line up properly.

  • Pain
  • Hard to chew or speak
  • Sleep apnea
  • Temporomandibular joint disorder
  • Cosmetic damage

Three Options for Treating a Misaligned Jaw

There are three common treatments for a misaligned jaw. Below are your options.

Cosmetic Dentistry

If your jaw misalignment is mild, a few cosmetic fixes can take care of the appearance issues it has created.


Some dentists will recommend orthodontics like braces, upper jaw expanders, headgear, or a reverse pull face mask to fix your misaligned jaws.

Jaw Surgery

For severely misaligned jaws, most dentists recommend jaw surgery in St. Paul, MN. This is called orthognathic surgery. Orthognathic surgery works by repositioning either your upper or lower jaw. This procedure is then combined with an orthodontic treatment such as braces to correct the problem. It’s a quick operation. And in most cases (except for extremely severe issues), it won’t require you to have your mouth wired shut.

Looking for a Dentist in St. Paul, MN?

If you have dental issues that are causing you pain, or if you just need a new dentist, please Contact St. Anthony Park Dental Care today. Having your dental needs addressed sooner rather than later will help ensure they don’t lead to more severe issues down the road.

4 Reasons to Get Clear Aligners

If you have teeth that are crooked or if your jaw is misaligned, your dentist may recommend braces or clear aligners. Clear aligners aren’t an option for everyone, but if you have the choice between aligners and braces, it’s important to understand the difference and what the advantages are of clear aligners. As your dentist in St. Paul, MN, we can answer your questions about clear aligners. Here’s what you need to know.

1. Clear Aligners Make Cleaning Your Teeth Easy

Braces stay on for tooth brushing and flossing, so cleaning your teeth with braces can be challenging. Clear aligners can be removed for teeth cleaning, so the tooth brushing process remains the same.

You can clean your aligners while you clean your teeth: just take them out and brush them lightly with a toothbrush or soak them in antibacterial soap.

2. Clear Aligners Are Removed At Meals

Braces stay in for meals, limiting the number of foods you can consume with braces on. Clear aligners are removed for meals, so you can eat whatever foods you want.

3. Clear Aligners Are Subtle 

Braces are very visible. They’re easy to see in your mouth and when you smile. Clear aligners are the opposite. Up close, aligners are so subtle they’re almost unnoticeable. From far away, clear aligners are invisible. This means you can smile without anyone noticing your aligners.

4. Clear Aligners Involve No Wires or Brackets

While braces have wires and brackets that can be pokey if broken, clear aligners do not. This makes clear aligners in St. Paul, MN, a clear choice for some patients. At St. Anthony Park Dental Care, we can help you decide whether clear aligners are right for you. Call today.

Understanding Sedation Dentistry

If you’ve been curious about sedation dentistry but the idea makes you a little bit nervous, that’s natural. It may be because you don’t know enough about sedation dentistry. Here is a guide that explains the effects and what to expect.

3 Sedation Dentistry Options

If you choose to try sedation dentistry in St. Paul, MN, you’ll have three options:

  1. Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is breathed in through the nose. It’s extremely gentle and the reaction from the patient’s perspective is so subtle it can feel like nothing at all. You can liken it to the light and happy feeling you have when you spend time with someone who makes you feel good about yourself.
  2. Oral sedation comes in the form of a tablet. The feeling is one of relaxation, and any anxiety just kind of floats away. Once the pill takes effect, you’ll feel similar to how you might feel on vacation, away from all your worries.
  3. IV sedation is administered with a needle, and it is the fastest-acting of the three options. IV reduces both pain and dental anxiety.

What the Three Options Have in Common

All the options above are similar in that they don’t induce unconsciousness. You may remain fully awake, although some patients feel so relaxed that they may doze off in the chair for a few minutes.

Another commonality is that you can drive yourself home after dental sedation, no matter which kind you have. If you do feel drowsy, though, it’s best to wait until you are fully alert. Most patients feel fully alert almost immediately after treatment.

Hopefully, this gives you a better understanding of sedation dentistry. But if you have further questions, please feel free to ask your St. Paul, MN, dentist during your next dental visit!

What Is a Dental Implant?  

A dental implant is a revolutionary medical device that dentists use to replace the root of a missing tooth. Once the titanium implant is in place, a tooth-colored dental prosthesis, referred to as a crown, serves as the visible portion of the missing tooth. At St. Anthony Park Dental Care in St. Paul, Minnesota, dentists frequently replace missing teeth using dental implants and dental prostheses.

The Dental Implant Fuses With the Jawbone

The dentist places the implant within the jawbone and, as time passes, the bone fuses with the titanium implant. This fusion process is referred to as osseointegration.

Once the osseointegration process is complete, the dental implant is, essentially, part of the jawbone itself. Therefore, unlike the traditional single-tooth replacement prosthesis (i.e., a flipper) that the wearer can remove, the dental implant and its crown remain in place.

Replacing Multiple Teeth Using Dental Implants

Individuals who need more than one tooth replaced, including those who are missing an entire arch of teeth, can receive several dental implants to secure a single prosthesis consisting of multiple crowns.

Individuals who are replacing multiple teeth that are close to one another may receive a bridge, and those who need to replace an entire arch of teeth can opt for an implant-supported denture. Just like a single dental implant with a crown, these dental prostheses are fixed, which means they remain in place. However, there is a removable option for individuals who are replacing an entire arch of teeth, the overdenture.

The Overdenture

Although the implants themselves remain within the jawbone, an individual replacing an arch of teeth can opt for an overdenture. This dental prosthesis is removable.

Implants and Dental Prostheses Provide Natural-looking Results

Once the dental implants and their prostheses are in place, the tooth appears completely natural.

Why Is Replacing a Missing Tooth So Important?

When a tooth is lost, it can negatively affect the jawbone, the other teeth and the mouth.

Potential consequences of a missing tooth include:

  • Since the root of the missing tooth is gone, the jawbone in that area is not being stimulated. This lack of stimulation results in the body absorbing and breaking down that section of jawbone.
  • The loss of a front tooth can lead to difficulty pronouncing certain words.
  • A change in chewing patterns can cause temporomandibular disorder (TMD). People with TMD frequently experience jaw pain and headaches.
  • When the location of a lost tooth is visible, an individual’s self-esteem may suffer.

The drawbacks associated with neglecting to replace a lost tooth make it clear that tooth replacement as soon as possible is important.

A dental implant is the most natural-looking replacement option; it keeps the jawbone stimulated and feels just like a real tooth. To learn more, call or text St. Anthony Park Dental Care today at 1-651-644-9216. To request an appointment, please contact us. St. Anthony Park Dental Care is located at 2278 Como Avenue in St. Paul, Minnesota.