Entries by St. Anthony Park Dental Care

Dental Crowns: An FAQ

Dental crowns can help protect tooth enamel and cover up cosmetic defects in your teeth. If you’ve never had a crown, there may be many things you’d like to know about crowns before one is installed. If you have questions about dental crowns, your dentist in St. Paul MN has answers. In this FAQ, we’ve answered some […]

Clear Aligners vs Traditional Braces – Which is the Best Option for You?  

Smile alignment issues can cause a lot of problems with oral health. However, braces can be a straightforward solution to a healthier, more confident smile. When you schedule an appointment for orthodontic treatment in St. Paul, MN, the dentist will discuss the different types of braces with you. Two options likely to come up will […]

When is it Time for Dental Implants?

Dental implants are more than just aesthetic, they provide a long-term solution for proper oral hygiene and oral care. Missing teeth, especially large sets, invite progressive diseases that can affect many systems inside your body. Furthermore, the loss of teeth negatively shapes your jawline, which takes away function and ages you considerably. SAP Dental of […]