Understanding Sedation Dentistry

If you’ve been curious about sedation dentistry but the idea makes you a little bit nervous, that’s natural. It may be because you don’t know enough about sedation dentistry. Here is a guide that explains the effects and what to expect.

3 Sedation Dentistry Options

If you choose to try sedation dentistry in St. Paul, MN, you’ll have three options:

  1. Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is breathed in through the nose. It’s extremely gentle and the reaction from the patient’s perspective is so subtle it can feel like nothing at all. You can liken it to the light and happy feeling you have when you spend time with someone who makes you feel good about yourself.
  2. Oral sedation comes in the form of a tablet. The feeling is one of relaxation, and any anxiety just kind of floats away. Once the pill takes effect, you’ll feel similar to how you might feel on vacation, away from all your worries.
  3. IV sedation is administered with a needle, and it is the fastest-acting of the three options. IV reduces both pain and dental anxiety.

What the Three Options Have in Common

All the options above are similar in that they don’t induce unconsciousness. You may remain fully awake, although some patients feel so relaxed that they may doze off in the chair for a few minutes.

Another commonality is that you can drive yourself home after dental sedation, no matter which kind you have. If you do feel drowsy, though, it’s best to wait until you are fully alert. Most patients feel fully alert almost immediately after treatment.

Hopefully, this gives you a better understanding of sedation dentistry. But if you have further questions, please feel free to ask your St. Paul, MN, dentist during your next dental visit!

What Does Sedation Dentistry Feel Like?

If you’ve never had sedation dentistry in St. Paul, MN, you may be curious about this service offered by your dentist. Sedation is a tool used by dentists for patients who request it. It helps to make the dental treatment process go more smoothly and is especially helpful for patients who have some anxiety about dentist visits in general or for those who will be undergoing extensive treatments. It’s simply a way to provide a relaxing and anxiety-free experience for people undergoing dental treatment.

Different Kinds of Sedation

St. Anthony Park Dental Care has three kinds of sedation: nitrous oxide, commonly called laughing gas, oral sedation, and IV sedation. But the differences between these three types have mostly to do with the way they’re administered, not in the way that they feel.

What Does Sedation Dentistry Feel Like?

The experience of sedation dentistry is similar to the way you feel when you’re just falling asleep. You’re still awake and aware, but you’re hyper-relaxed. All the muscles in your body are relaxed, and you feel very comfortable physically, mentally, and emotionally. Many people describe the feeling as similar to how they feel when mediating, deep in thought, or engrossed in a really good book.

You’re completely aware of what is happening during this period, but it doesn’t cause you worry or anxiety. You can understand and respond to requests from your dentist, but the whole experience feels somewhat distant. Afterward, you’ll remember everything, but no worries will be associated with the treatment. Depending on how you respond to sedation dentistry, you may want someone else to drive you home since there can be some lingering feelings of sleepiness.

Consider sedation dentistry if you’ve been putting off dental treatment due to anxiety. Contact your dentist in St. Paul, MN, to book your appointment today!

Nervous About Going to the Dentist? What to Know About Sedation Dentistry

If you’re nervous about going to the dentist, you’re not alone. A lot of people find going to the dentist stressful. In fact, for some people, their anxiety about going to the dentist is great enough that they may skip appointments. For these patients, there is sedation dentistry.

Sedation dentistry in St. Paul MN is an excellent option for those who have a hard time when they’re in the dental chair. Sedation is a medication that helps a patient relax, and some sedation can even put the patient to sleep. Here’s what you should know about sedation dentistry.

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is the use of medication to relieve patients of anxiety during dental procedures like cleaning and examination. Sedation dentistry can put patients to sleep, although most sedation dentistry does not. During most sedation dentistry, patients are awake but have had their anxiety and feelings of discomfort relieved by the medicine.

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

While there is always some small risk with sedation dentistry, it’s considered safe as long as your dentist is properly trained to administer the medication. Some people are at higher risk for complications, but your dentist should ask you for medical history before administering sedation dentistry, to determine your risk level.

Am I a Good Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

You’re a good candidate for sedation dentistry if you avoid going to the dentist because you’re afraid. Some other people who are good candidates include people who are unable to sit still in the dentist chair, people who have very sensitive teeth, people who had a very sensitive gag reflex and people who have a low threshold for pain.

Think you’re a good candidate for sedation dentistry? Call your dentist in St. Paul MN to make an appointment today.

What Happens if I Don’t Get My Wisdom Teeth Pulled?

Are you searching for a dentist in St. Paul, MN to discuss your wisdom teeth? Or perhaps you are just wondering if you should have your wisdom teeth taken out even though they are not giving you problems? Either way, finding the right dentist to care for your teeth is extremely important.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Your wisdom teeth are the third molars at the very back of your upper and lower jaws.

What Happens If I Don’t Get My Wisdom Teeth Pulled? 

Many dentists recommend having your wisdom teeth pulled even if they are not giving you problems and here’s why. Sometimes wisdom teeth don’t have enough room in your mouth to grow properly. And this causes problems such as erupting wisdom teeth which grow at different angles in your jaw. Sometimes erupting wisdom teeth even grow horizontally, which leads to additional problems such as the following.

  • Wisdom teeth that can’t emerge properly and remain in your gums. This can cause them to become impacted within your jaw. Oftentimes, this results in infection and sometimes can damage your other teeth’ roots or jawbone support.
  • Partially emerged wisdom teeth are hard to keep clean, giving way to food to enter which can create bacteria that cause gum disease.
  • Unpulled wisdom teeth can also crowd your other teeth, which can result in them not coming in properly. It could also damage your nearby teeth.

When Is Having My Wisdom Teeth Pulled Absolutely Necessary?

If you experience reoccurring infections, damage to your nearby teeth, pain, tumors, gum disease, cysts, extensive tooth decay, or any other damaging or reoccurring dental issue, your dentist might recommend having your wisdom teeth removed.

Talk with a Dentist in St. Paul, MN to Discuss Your Wisdom Teeth

Whether or not you are having problems with your wisdom teeth, it’s a good idea to talk with your dentist in St. Paul, MN about their recommendations. Contact St. Anthony Park Dental Care today. We would be happy to address all your questions and concerns.

Can I Get Dental Sedation With a Heart Condition?

If you have a heart condition, you need to be careful about what you ingest, breathe, and what activities you partake in. Doing so will help to ensure that you don’t suffer a heart incident when you least expect it. When you go in to get dental treatment, you might be offered sedation dentistry in St. Paul, MN. But you should always let your dentist and hygienist know if you have an existing heart condition. But is it even safe to get sedation with a heart condition?

Anesthesia is Not the Same as Sedation

First of all, the anesthesia used for surgery is not the same as sedation dentistry. Sedation dentistry is used to help patients relax during treatment. Anesthesia is primarily used to make a patient unconscious during treatment. With sedation dentistry, a patient is fully awake and aware of what is happening. But the treatment is not worrisome, due to the relaxing effects of the sedative.

Sedation Dentistry Safer Than No Sedation

For certain dental treatments that might cause a person anxiety, sedation dentistry is safer than not having sedation at all. This is because anxiety can cause the heart to beat faster, or blood pressure to rise. Depending upon the nature of your heart condition, you may be better off having sedation dentistry in St. Paul, MN than not having any sedation during your treatment.

Ultimately, you and your heart care physician should have a conversation about the use of sedation during dental treatments going forward. But since sedation dentistry has not been linked to heart problems, it is considered a safe option, even for those with moderate to severe heart conditions. Talk to your dentist and doctor about the use of sedatives so that you can make the best choice for your individual circumstances.