Do All Wisdom Teeth Need to be Removed?

Wisdom tooth removal is one of the most common procedures dentists perform. But why do wisdom teeth need to be removed, and how can you tell if they need to come out? Do all wisdom teeth need to be removed? As your dentist in St. Paul, MN, the professionals at St. Anthony Park Dental Care are here to help. Through visual examination and X-rays, we can evaluate the condition of your wisdom teeth and help you determine whether removal is needed.

Why Do Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Removed?

Many things can lead to wisdom teeth needing to be removed. For example, some wisdom teeth take up too much space in the jaw, which can cause other teeth to become crowded and crooked.

Sometimes, wisdom teeth don’t erupt from the gums all the way. Instead, they stay half in and half out of the gums. These half-erupted teeth are impacted. An impacted wisdom tooth can get cavities, but it can’t receive fillings when this happens. When this happens, the tooth (or teeth) must be extracted.

Do All Wisdom Teeth Require Removal?

Not all wisdom teeth need to be removed. If your wisdom tooth is in your mouth without crowding other teeth or causing other problems, your dentist may choose to leave it in.

How Can You Tell If Your Wisdom Teeth Need Removal?

You may need to have your wisdom teeth removed if:

  • You get pain around the wisdom teeth regularly
  • Your wisdom teeth have decayed or have caused decay elsewhere in the mouth
  • Your wisdom teeth have caused damage to nearby teeth
  • You’ve experienced repeated infections due to your wisdom teeth

Only your dentist can tell you if you should have wisdom teeth removed in St. Paul, MN. Call St. Anthony Park Dental Care to learn more.

When Should I Remove my Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth, or third molars, are the last teeth to develop in your mouth. While not all individuals need to remove their wisdom teeth, it is a standard dental procedure for many. Understanding the signs of when to remove your wisdom teeth is crucial for maintaining your oral health.

The caring team at SAP Dental Care of St. Paul, MN, is proud to service the local community with premium dental care services, including being there for you in your most vulnerable oral care moments to help you live pain-free.

What are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth typically emerge during the late teenage years or early adulthood. These teeth are located at the back of your mouth and are the last to develop. Most people have four wisdom teeth, but it is not uncommon for some to have fewer or even none.

Signs Your Wisdom Teeth Should Be Removed

Signs include the following:

  1. Pain: One of the most common signs that your wisdom teeth need to be removed is pain. If you experience pain in the back of your mouth, it may indicate that your wisdom teeth are impacted or infected. Here are the most common signs your wisdom teeth should be removed:
  2. Crowding: If your wisdom teeth lack room to emerge properly, they can push against your other teeth and cause crowding.
  3. Infection: When your wisdom teeth only partially emerge, they can create a flap of gum tissue that can trap food and bacteria, leading to disease.

Your Trusted Dental Care Provider

If you are experiencing any of the signs mentioned above, it is necessary to consult your local dentist to determine whether your wisdom teeth need to be removed. They will evaluate your oral health and choose the best action for your needs.

During your next consultation with the team at SAP Dental Care of St. Paul, MN, you can be sure you are receiving the proper care and guidance that you and your family deserve.

Think Your Wisdom Teeth Are Causing Problems? Know the Signs

Wisdom teeth are the last set of molars to grow in. Often, there is no room for wisdom teeth. This lack of space can cause painful problems. Fortunately, you don’t have to live with pain from wisdom teeth. Your dentist in St. Paul MN can help you determine the best way to address this problem. At St. Anthony Park Dental Care, we provide tooth extractions and other forms of treatment that can help you eliminate wisdom tooth pain.

Signs of Wisdom Teeth Problems

Below are signs that your wisdom teeth are growing in incorrectly.

  • Jaw pain
  • Bad breath
  • Red, swollen gums
  • Bleeding gums
  • Tender gums
  • Difficulty opening your mouth
  • Unpleasant taste in your mouth

What to Do About Your Wisdom Teeth

If you’re experiencing the symptoms above, see your dentist at St. Anthony Park Dental Care. We can diagnose your dental problem and provide you with treatment. If we discover that your wisdom teeth are growing in incorrectly, we may recommend a tooth extraction. Wisdom tooth extraction is a common procedure that has many benefits, including:

  • Alleviate pain
  • Resolve any issues with bad breath
  • Prevent infection
  • Prevent tooth decay
  • Prevent the need for orthodontic work

Ultimately, by removing problematic wisdom teeth, we can help preserve your oral health.

Do All Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Removed?

Not all wisdom teeth need to be removed. Wisdom teeth that have space to move in without becoming impacted or negatively affecting the other teeth may be left in place. We’ll help you decide if your wisdom teeth need to come out.

For more information about oral surgery in St. Paul MN, or to get a diagnosis from your dentist, contact St. Anthony Park Dental Care. Call today to make an appointment to see our experienced dental professionals.

What Happens if I Don’t Get My Wisdom Teeth Pulled?

Are you searching for a dentist in St. Paul, MN to discuss your wisdom teeth? Or perhaps you are just wondering if you should have your wisdom teeth taken out even though they are not giving you problems? Either way, finding the right dentist to care for your teeth is extremely important.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Your wisdom teeth are the third molars at the very back of your upper and lower jaws.

What Happens If I Don’t Get My Wisdom Teeth Pulled? 

Many dentists recommend having your wisdom teeth pulled even if they are not giving you problems and here’s why. Sometimes wisdom teeth don’t have enough room in your mouth to grow properly. And this causes problems such as erupting wisdom teeth which grow at different angles in your jaw. Sometimes erupting wisdom teeth even grow horizontally, which leads to additional problems such as the following.

  • Wisdom teeth that can’t emerge properly and remain in your gums. This can cause them to become impacted within your jaw. Oftentimes, this results in infection and sometimes can damage your other teeth’ roots or jawbone support.
  • Partially emerged wisdom teeth are hard to keep clean, giving way to food to enter which can create bacteria that cause gum disease.
  • Unpulled wisdom teeth can also crowd your other teeth, which can result in them not coming in properly. It could also damage your nearby teeth.

When Is Having My Wisdom Teeth Pulled Absolutely Necessary?

If you experience reoccurring infections, damage to your nearby teeth, pain, tumors, gum disease, cysts, extensive tooth decay, or any other damaging or reoccurring dental issue, your dentist might recommend having your wisdom teeth removed.

Talk with a Dentist in St. Paul, MN to Discuss Your Wisdom Teeth

Whether or not you are having problems with your wisdom teeth, it’s a good idea to talk with your dentist in St. Paul, MN about their recommendations. Contact St. Anthony Park Dental Care today. We would be happy to address all your questions and concerns.

3 Often-Overlooked Signs Your Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Removed

While most people do end up seeking wisdom teeth removal in St. Paul, MN, a lot of patients put off the procedure for a long time. The fact is, your wisdom teeth can cause a lot of problems when they don’t have room to grow. However, some issues are easily blamed on something else. Take a look at some of the most commonly overlooked signs that your wisdom teeth should be removed.

Ongoing Sinus Issues

The roots of your wisdom teeth can be pretty substantial. If there is no room for these roots to grow, it can cause inflammation and undue stress on the jaws and the sinuses. You may start to notice that you have sinus pressure, congestion, or even consistent headaches.


The added tension around your jaws can sometimes lead to pain in other areas of the body. Specifically, it is not uncommon for wisdom teeth issues to bring about pain in the ears in the form of an earache.

Swollen and Tender Gums

Crowding in the gum line can generate a few problems with your gums. For example, when the wisdom tooth is trying to erupt, but there is no room, a small flap can form over the tooth. Small food particles can get trapped here, which can lead to an infection. You may notice inflammation of the gum tissue in different parts of your mouth, and, certain spots may feel sore and tender.

Talk to an Oral Surgeon in St. Paul, MN About Wisdom Teeth Removal

When you visit a St. Paul, MN dentist for regular exams, they can point out when wisdom teeth start to grow and if this could cause problems. If you suspect that you need wisdom tooth removal surgery, reach out to us at St. Anthony Park Dental Care to set an appointment.

Why Do We Have Wisdom Teeth?

In young adulthood, most people have their wisdom teeth grow in. Typically, this occurs between the ages of 17 and 25. Officially, wisdom teeth are called third molars. They are the last adult teeth to come in, after “wisdom” has occurred. This is why they’ve come to be known as wisdom teeth. Not everyone develops wisdom teeth. Those who do, often have their wisdom teeth removed by a dentist in St. Cloud, MN for one reason or another. So why do we have wisdom teeth at all?

Your Ancestors Needed Wisdom Teeth

Millions of years ago, your ancestors had very different eating habits. They didn’t use the utensils that we do now, and they didn’t cut their food before eating, as is common practice now. They also rarely cooked their food or boiled it down until it was soft and palatable. Instead, they ate very roughly; eating raw meat, raw vegetation and raw fruits. Eating in this manner required very strong jaws and tough teeth, including those third molars. Your ancestors not only relied on third molars to be able to bite and chew; they also had much larger jaws. Those larger jaws easily accommodated the extra third molars at the back of the mouth.

We Don’t Need Wisdom Teeth Today

Today, humans have much smaller jaws, and we have different eating habits. The eating habits that we have today; cooking foods, cutting it, and using utensils like spoons, forks and knives, means that we don’t need those massive third molars.

In addition, because we have much smaller jaws, often our wisdom teeth cause problems. Many people simply don’t have room in the mouth for wisdom teeth, so they are removed by a dentist in St. Cloud, MN.

Your wisdom teeth come from your ancestors. Thousands of years from now, maybe people won’t get wisdom teeth coming in anymore. For now, your St. Cloud dentist can help with any problems with wisdom teeth that you may have.