Do I Need an Orthodontist or a Dentist?

This is a question that’s often asked when people get serious about dental treatments. You may know that an orthodontist in St. Paul has specialty training, but you might not know which professional you should see when you have a dental-related issue. We’ll look at how to choose between the two.

Education and Background

dentist in St. Paul has a similar education to an orthodontist. Both need to earn their bachelor’s before going onto a 4-year program. However, an orthodontist will then go onto complete a residency in orthodontics after earning either their DDS or DMD degree.

When You Need a Dentist

Dentists perform general treatments, such as fillings, crowns, gum cleaning, general cleaning, and bridges. So if you have a cavity and you need X-rays, you can count on a dentist to make it happen. It should be noted that some dentists will have crossover education without having done the whole nine yards of orthodontic treatments. This means they may offer low-level orthodontic services, though most will refer their patients to a specialist. It all depends on the extent of the problem and what’s been done to fix it.

When You Need an Orthodontist in St. Paul

Crowded teeth, severe overbites, or gaps in the teeth are all reasons to see an orthodontist. These professionals have been trained to straighten teeth, align your jaw, and work with your facial muscles. If you need braces, clear aligners, wires, retainers, or other major appliances, they can help you decide which course will be right for you. At St. Anthony Park Dental Care, we’re here whether you need a cleaning or a full round of braces. Contact us today to learn more about our services or if you want to set up an appointment with either specialist.

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